Technology Services

Conquer Tech Troubles with Trusted Experts!

Services We Offer:

  • Tech Rescue: Virus removal, data recovery, malware protection, and system tune-ups to restore peak performance.
  • Smart Home Savvy: Seamless smart device setup, installation, and training to help you unlock the full potential of your connected home.
  • Desktop & Laptop Expertise: Whether it’s a sluggish computer, a frustrating virus attack, or a brand-new build, we handle everything from repairs and upgrades to data transfers and software installation.
  • Network Navigation: Network setup, optimization, and troubleshooting to ensure a smooth and secure connection for your entire home or office.
  • Remote Work Ready: We’ll create a customized work-from-home office setup, including pre-configured desktops and secure network connections, to make remote work a breeze.
  • Printer Power: Printer setup, troubleshooting, and configuration to ensure seamless printing for all your needs.
  • Furniture Assembly Experts: Need help assembling that new pre-pack desk or shelving unit? We can do that too!
  • Ongoing Support: We offer flexible maintenance plans to keep your devices running smoothly and prevent future problems.

Why Choose ConstantReality?

  • Reliable Tech Support for Gainesville: We offer fast, reliable, and friendly tech services to residents of Gainesville and surrounding areas.
  • Experienced Technicians: Our team boasts decades of combined experience.
  • Fast & Reliable Service: We prioritize quick turnaround times and efficient solutions.
  • Clear Communication: We explain things in plain English, keeping you informed throughout the process.
  • Competitive Rates: We offer fair and transparent pricing.
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed: We stand behind our work and ensure your complete satisfaction.

Ready to Reclaim Your Tech Freedom?

Don’t waste time struggling with tech issues. Contact ConstantReality today for a free consultation! We’ll assess your needs, discuss your options, and get you back on track.

  • Call Us Now: ‪

    ‪(470) 499-4692

Computer glitches, hardware and software issues can happen to anyone, anytime, for a multitude of reasons.
Rest assured ConstantReality is here for you.

Smart Home Devices
Smart Home Device Installation, Setup, and Training.

Training on features common to all devices and programs.

Desktops & Laptops
Virus Removal,
New Builds,
and more!

Printer Setup and Install.

Network Installs.
Network Upgrades.

Remote Work
Work from home office setups.
Pre-pack desk builds.

Prepack Assembly
Build prepack furniture, desks, shelves, and more!

Professional Services
Decades of Experience.

Questions? Want to book an appointment for service?

Call us or submit a ticket through our help desk!